Sunday, April 5, 2009

Alchemy - no, not the New Age kind

A book all should read is The Alchemy Key by Stuart Nettleton as it effectively demonstrates why all literate people should know as much about alchemy as they do about literature, mathematics, philosophy, physics, etc. Nettleton's mastery over the subject (as well as his mastery over many, many other things) is beyond reproach as is his ability to present it in an amazingly enjoyable and thouroughly understandable way. I am still somewhat dizzy from the pace at which I read the book as well as from the amount of knowledge which was transmitted. My only negative experience came from the continued realization of the extent to which society and its institutions are subject to entropy and that realization is mine - it is not one of Nettleton's themes. If you want to read any extremely entertaining, literate, educating, and worthwhile book - pick up The Alchmey Key. You can review the book online by clicking the title of this post. If you want to know what this whole entropy thing is about (and see another great photograph taken by my son), see my other blog at

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